Monday, 21 February 2011

How Yoga Moves Can Benefit Pregnant Women

Doing yoga during pregnancy is an excellent choice for mother-to-be and baby. There are many benefits to prenatal yoga. It's very important to do prenatal yoga and not regular yaga. There are some yoga poses that are not recommended for pregnant women. Prenatal yoga is comprises a series of gentle stretches and breathing exercises. These stretches help elongate and strengthen key muscle groups used in delivery. It also helps to increase flexibility. Prenatal yoga can relieve back pain. Yoga minimizes water retention which contributes to leg and ankle swelling. Yoga also helps with balance during those sometimes awkward latter stages of pregnancy. The routines should be modified for each trimester of pregnancy.

Yoga also helps the baby by increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen to the baby. Yoga improves posture which helps the baby enjoy optimal space in the womb.

In addition to the physical benefits of yoga there are also benefits for the mind. Learning effective breathing techniques is very beneficial. Deep breathing can calm the mind and help manage pain. By consciously practicing breathing, you will help to meet the challenges of labor. When the body is in pain or highly anxious it produces adrenaline and inhibits the production of oxytocin which, ironically is the hormone the makes labor progress. Learning breathing techniques is a big part of standard prenatal classes. If you can incorporate deep breathing learned through yoga this will be an added benefit.

Yoga props will help you get the optimum results from your sessions. Some people will choose to purchase a thicker yoga mat for extra support. Yoga bricks and bolsters are also recommended to help with balance, especially in latter trimesters. There are some very good prenatal yoga dvds to choose from

Taking a prenatal yaga class is a wonderful way to fellowship with other expectant mothers. It gives you an opportunity to share and receive support during your pregnancy.

It's important to consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program. After you've had your baby and gotten approval from your doctor, yoga is an excellent way to get back in shape. Honor your body and do as much as it tells you it can handle.

Tag : yaga,yaga classes,hatha yaga,yaga mats

Sunday, 6 February 2011

How To Rest In This Yoga Pose and Mastermind Good Health

What you do on the yoga mat does not stay on the yoga mat! Yoga positions, philosophy, lifestyle and meditations journey with us. Many yoga positions can be transferred to life beyond the yoga mat. We become much more aware of how we stand, sit and the way we move.

Basic yoga poses include resting poses like Shavasana and Child's Pose. There is another basic pose called "Wind Relieving Pose" or Apanasana, basically Child's Pose on your back. If you have a sore knee and cannot rest in Child's Pose, this is an excellent alternative. Lying on your back, hug your knees in towards your chest. If you have a round body and cannot reach your knees, use a strap around your lower legs to hold the knees in place. If your knee is sore to touch, clasp your hands underneath the knee.

To add more movement, leave one knee at the chest, and extend the other leg to the floor. Alternate legs. To strengthen the abdomen, raise the head off the floor and hands as well. If you are recovering from surgery or have weak abdominal muscles, rest the hands palms down on the floor. Always listen to the body's messages.

This yaga pose helps elimination problems, including menstrual cramps. It is a cooling pose. With both legs in towards the chest, hold for 15 minutes or more to release tension in the low back. The pose encourages surrender. As you breathe consciously and rhythmically the diaphragm massages the abdominal and pelvic areas, assisting digestion. Feel this movement in the abdomen. With eyes closed you are drawn deeper within to rest in your own secret world. Even the heart can relax.


When settled comfortably in the pose, with breathing stabilized, you can mastermind a plan for good health. Visualization is easier for some of us. It gets easier with practice. What does good health look like to you? Feel that good health as you hold the pose. Which system of the body is affected? How well do you know the system? If it is unfamiliar, you'll need to research what it looks like in order to visualize it. To be more effective, practice visualizing good health 3 times per day for 15 minutes.

Rest in peaceful surrender in Apanasana, with eyes gently closed. Feel the breath move within your body like a slow wave, rising and falling. Allow the mind and heart to rest in your secret sacred place of healing.

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Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Avoiding Low Back Pain From Yoga Classes

It is one of the most common reason why people are sent to the hospital. Lower back pain is very prevalent in people who work in offices all day that have daily routines that do not support their back. There are a lot of causes for back pain but most of them are due to your habits. Here are some of them you might not know.

You might not be thinking about maintaining proper posture when you are brainstorming on your project the entire day. And in doing so, you are positioning yourself to having back pains later in the day. Take the time to get out of your seat and stretch or even walk around the office.

There have been research that show people who skip the gym are more likely to have back pains than those who regularly hit the gym. Be sure to sweat it out at least twice a week to prevent back pains in the office.

You can find yoga classes everywhere that cater to your muscle strengthening needs. Yoga experts would likely recommended that you do yaga if you are not into the whole exercise routine. Try to ask your instructor if there are certain moves that focus on your lower back.

Diet is also essential to having a healthy pain-free body. Eat healthy foods that do not clog your arteries which results to poor circulation. And if you do not have enough circulation, inflammation happens and the pain cycle starts.

Be mindful of your shoulders as they connect with your spine and your back. When your shoulders are not in balance, the spine is also not in balance putting your entire posture at risk. If you are to put more weight on one shoulder, try to balance it with the other to prevent postural problems.

Your bed can also be a factor when it comes to back pains. If you are to sleep on your back try add a pillow underneath your knees so that there will be additional pressure on your spine. If you are a side sleeper, put a pillow between your knees and if you sleep on your stomach, put one either on your stomach or on your hips.

Ditch the pumps when you go to your office. You may look sexier with high heel shoes on but later on, it will cause you even more pain in the back, on your thighs, calves, and heels too.

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