Friday 5 June 2009

Yoga Center India

Center Facilities
Benda Acupuncture and yoga center provides various types of facilities in center. Some of the specialized provided in the centre are given below.

Yoga is a system of mental and physical exercises which were originally developed in India over thousands of years. Yoga comes in many forms specifically designed to suit different types of people. As a result, some forms of yoga have gained significant popularity outside India, particularly in the West during the past century.

Acupuncture literally means “needle piercing” - the practice of inserting very fine needles into the skin to stimulate specific anatomic points in the body (known as acupoints or acupuncture points) for therapeutic purposes. Acupuncture involves stimulating. Apart from the usual method of puncturing the skin with the fine needles, the practitioners of acupuncture also use heat, pressure, friction, suction, or impulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the points.

The Panchkarma Therapy of Ayurveda comprise of advanced treatment for elimination of vitiated toxic materials from the body. To bring about equilibrium in the body Ayurveda prescribes Panchkarma – a curative line of treatment that works in the principles of purification procedure. Subtly harmonizing purification and environmental toxins from the body’s tissue in a gentle and effective way and eliminate them from the physiology.

Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the conditioned, thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation is a method of bringing peace and harmony into the hectic and confused lives of people.It is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth It is an effort to make life better by ensuring physical and mental well being. However, meditation bestows the best results when it is carried out voluntarily and is not a forced effort.

Pranayama is an aspect of Yoga that deals with regulated breathing. It is a method of controlling prana or life force through the control of the motion of inhalation, exhalation and the retention of vital energy. Pranayama has the capacity of freeing the mind from untruthfulness, ignorance and all other painful and unpleasant experiences of the body and mind. It can avert many diseases pertaining to stomach, lungs, heart and brain including Diabetes, Cholesterol, Constipation, Acidity, Respiratory troubles, Allergy, Migraine, High blood pressure etc.

Physiotherapy is an established, recognised system of diagnosis and treatment that lays its main emphasis on the structural integrity of the body. It is distinctive in that it recognises that much of the pain and isability we suffer stem from abnormalities in the function of the body structure as well as damage caused to it by disease. Physiotherapy uses many of the diagnostic procedures used in conventional medical assessment and diagnosis.

Diet therapy
Dietary therapy involves instruction on how to adjust a diet to reduce the number of calories eaten. Reducing calories moderately is essential to achieve a slow but steady weight loss, which is also important for maintenance of weight loss. Strategies of dietary therapy include teaching about calorie content of different foods, food composition (fats,carbohydrates, and proteins), reading nutrition labels, types of foods to buy, and how to prepare foods. Some diets for weight loss include low-calorie, very-low calorie, and low-fat.

Gymnasium terms signifying respectively system, physical exercises practised either for recreation or for the purpose of promoting,health and development body building where such exercises are carried on.

By: Dr. Hemant Benda

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